Cheese Promise!

I promised my little cousins, Samara and her twin sisters, that I would bring them cheese when I returned from Switzerland. It was an emotional WhatsApp video call that lasted almost 20 minutes. I had never tried cheese before and still struggle with it, but when they asked, “Will you bring us cheese from Switzerland?” I couldn’t say no. Rome…

Holy Cow

When I received the email confirming my admission to study at Bossey, I stared at my sink full of dirty dishes and considered throwing them all in the bin. Who has time for dishes when they’re about to travel abroad? Priorities! (Zakayo

When the Sole Wears Out

Forget Cinderella’s magical glass slippers. High school gave us love letters, dancers at music and drama functions, and the kind of crushes you’d take a bullet for. I will tell you a story about my high school crush later. If you skipped


No one ever talks about Mama Chakula! You know the women who turn smoky chapati dough into lifelines next to construction sites? You should try their tea, Oh my God it tastes so sweet it could win hearts faster than a well-rehearsed


I laughed when Brian first told me that the OG, Kaligraph Jones, has a gospel hit. I did not believe it until I watched ‘Msifu Bwana’ on YouTube. A tune I am still struggling to stop singing along. Brian never listens to gospel music. But

Dark Christmas

I don’t think I have seen or heard of anything that scares a man like ‘giza la mashambani’. Not that it is darker than it is in the city but wueh! stepping out at night at my granny’s place is not an easy task. Two years ago, my uncles

Allahu Akbar

I was in campus when I first witnessed two couples fighting. My classmates in 2nd year. The guy doubled up as my roommate. He was trading blows with his girlfriend, in our apartment. Why? Because he was insecure especially that she

Girl Power

A girl once slapped me because I asked her for my money. Yes! I asked her if she had taken my one hundred shillings! And before you start condemning me (and telling me si ungemuachia tu!), singemuachia izo aki! Not when I know clearly

Man Enough

We can talk and debate all we want (and trust me, I will listen) but at the end of the day, money is the answer. Money determines the steps we take, whether backwards or forward. Money is the number one propeller of happiness today.

Inua Dada

I can’t calm down. I used 936 shillings at Tusks, paid using a thousand bob and guess what? New currency is in the pocket at last! Well, they are all coins but it is the new currency .You should have seen me matching down the Tuskys daima

For Alice

Remember that shop where you used to buy balloons when you were young? Does the shop still exist? I laughed at myself the other day when my friend Jack reminded me how we used to blow balloons and how the big ones always appeared to be at

Imperfectly Perfect

Practice takes place every Saturday between 4pm and 6pm. 2 hours are normally enough to have a personal fellowship with God, share the week’s experiences with one another, learn one or two new songs and finalize on the praise and worship

Ice on the Cake

I was born in February. If I were Marjorie Oludhe, I would have called February the month of coming to birth. But Kibaki and Uhuru’s kids would not see the essence of what I want to share. Aren’t they still marveling at Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s

House of Prayer

Nairobi hot? No! Nairobi sweet! Or Nairobi Raha! But raha sounds better when placed immediately after Mombasa. Nairobi can either be hot or sweet. Or both! Whichever you choose, one thing stands – John prays tonight! Our father in