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Made of the Streets

Holy Cow

When I received the email confirming my admission to study at Bossey, I stared at my sink full of dirty dishes and considered throwing them all in the bin. Who has time for dishes when they’re about to travel abroad? Priorities! (Zakayo

When the Sole Wears Out

Forget Cinderella’s magical glass slippers. High school gave us love letters, dancers at music and drama functions, and the kind of crushes you’d take a bullet for. I will tell you a story about my high school crush later. If you skipped

Inua Dada

I can’t calm down. I used 936 shillings at Tusks, paid using a thousand bob and guess what? New currency is in the pocket at last! Well, they are all coins but it is the new currency .You should have seen me matching down the Tuskys daima

For Alice

Remember that shop where you used to buy balloons when you were young? Does the shop still exist? I laughed at myself the other day when my friend Jack reminded me how we used to blow balloons and how the big ones always appeared to be at

It’s Complicated – Pt 1

I should have done it that night. Without thinking twice. I should have done it with my entire self. I shouldn’t have held back. After all, I could tell she wanted me to do it so badly. I could feel it. It was all over her face. She was

Church Girl

Slap me hard if you ever find me carrying someone’s baby in Church again! I have literary heard enough of babies. I know I keep complaining of why they even have to cry whenever I hold them and why some even get terrified when I look at

Beauty in the Mirror

The only way I can be of service to my country and the people around me is as an example of what not to do. I have made many mistakes, used the phrase ‘it wasn’t me’ to cover for my mistakes, then waited until it was too late to try


Christine no longer decides when to be strong and when to cry. After twelve years of what she would call a happy marriage, her family love story is crushing so fast that she is starting to doubt if it ever existed. Today, the little joy

The Unstoppable Woman

I’ve not loved this woman at full capacity. I’ve fed her lies and told her she wasn’t good enough and have allowed others to tell her she wasn't good enough. I’ve allowed her to be broken. I've allowed others to treat her disrespectfully.


Forgive Leah if she still thinks that I am one of these men from Kamiti who call demanding that you reverse the money they just sent you by mistake. The ones who tell you “tuma kwa hii number!” explaining that the number they used to make